India Faust


India Faust has accumulated over 8 years of invaluable experience at WCEG Network since joining in 2016. In her role as a Show Host & Assistant Show Producer, she has expertly hosted and produced segments, such as “Millennial Talk” and “Z Nation”, engaging in insightful discussions with Millennial and Generation Z audiences on a wide range of topics including music, mental health, and global events. Her responsibilities also involved uploading scheduled podcast segments to various distribution outlets. In addition to her tenure at WCEG, she pursued a Mass Communication degree at Benedict College and completed a comprehensive internship at Columbia’s Praise WDEK 95.7FM & 1170AM, where she contributed to broadcasting, production, track recordings, book logging, and more. Today, India adeptly applies the wealth of knowledge she has acquired throughout her extensive radio career.

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Assistant ProducerZ Nation

